
Opinion Piece - A Case for Comprehensive Protections for the LGBTQ+ Community

As a straight white man, I feel I can’t really speak on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. But, the hatred and bigotry that’s plagued it throughout my life is something I can’t ignore. With the victory of Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, homosexual marriage is legal all across the United States. Great! This is a step in the right direction. However, much how the 13th Amendment didn’t end discrimination against blacks (America is still working on that), this won’t end it either. So, I’d like to present a logical case on why protections for this community should be legislated or at the very least proposed. Religious Rights The conflict of whether one can refuse service for somebody being queer* is ridiculous and borderline barbaric. The United States has no establishment of an official religion so by a government being complacent in these discriminatory policies is emphasizing one religious group over another (or lack thereof). This is a simple question of inequality and the

Why 3rd Parties Suck in the United States

      The two party system that plagues US elections is problematic for lots of reasons. There’s not a lot of views represented and there’s little room for competition of political opinions by primarily presenting ideological extremes that leave moderate voters in a partisan purgatory. It might be worth exploring why we have a two party system and what we can change about it to make 3rd parties a potent aspect of political discussion.     The author of “Party Politics in America” exquisitely summated why this is the case for two primary reasons. Plurality elections and single member districts (Hershey, 34). Plurality elections are where a candidate doesn’t necessarily have to win by a majority (>50%) but just have to have the most votes. Let’s take a look at a sample election where this can be troublesome.     If this were a plurality election, Candidate 3 would’ve won despite 62% of the voters not voting for them (Figure 1). This problem can be more exacerbated when we increase

Memes: Modern Day Political Cartoons

For centuries, political cartoons have been used to engage in political discourse through a visual medium and convey messages that rhetoric can’t. In an era where political cartoons mostly appear in the dying vice of the newspaper, our eyes have switched over to the endless stream of the shocking, unfamiliar, and contextual style of political cartoons. Memes. It’s no secret that we have to understand the political landscape of the time period in order to understand political memes much like current political cartoons. I want to express the relationship between these two visual styles, how they contrast one another, and how they present differing degrees of nuance. One of my favorite memes from the 2016 election cycle was this tumblr-style Bernie Sanders meme. Source: Let’s look at the parallels, this has all the vital elements of a political cartoon. We have a large piece of central action that most politi